Tech Pioneer John McAfee — Evading the IRS in Cuba — John Mcafee bitcoin prediction 2020 video

Taxation Is Theft
2 min readJul 19, 2020


The notorious John McAfee tells of his travels to Mexico, Cuba, and the Bahamas as he runs from governments from all corners of the earth. John also gives an in-depth explanation of the blockchain system behind cryptocurrencies like monero and bitcoin!

A lifelong advocate of personal freedom, John McAfee has been a vocal critic of privacy invasion and encryption backdoors. In 2016 McAfee ran for President of the United States on a platform of Freedom, Privacy, and Technology. He is running again in 2020, this time to draw public attention to the blockchain and cryptocurrency revolution, using his reach to encourage individuals to look beyond investing at all of the positive social change made possible by the blockchain.

This view, regardless of one’s personal opinions on McAfee, Castro, or modern-day Cuba, to tell any individual or group of individuals that they may not trade or use their property as they see fit, is always the predictor of violent conflict. As McAfee continues his flight from the IRS on his yacht, while simultaneously running for president, one salient truth remains: this is a money racket, and when someone steps out of line, they will be hunted down relentlessly. Technology moves faster, however, and voices like McAfee’s lend boldness and courage to free marketeers everywhere, waiting for it to surpass the clunky movements of the violent stat



Taxation Is Theft

It’s up to you to save the world. You must wake up the sheep and let them know that Taxation Is Theft.